Christmas Math Activities for Kindergarten
If you’re looking for Christmas Math Activities for Kindergarten, this post is for you. Introducing the Christmas Counting Book Bundle! Just print and staple into a book, and you have two weeks worth of math.
Number Sense and Number Writing
The holidays are a great time for reviewing number sense and the correct ways to form numbers. I know my kindergarten students can always use extra handwriting practice for not only letters, but numbers as well. This resource was designed to work on these concepts with a fun Christmas theme.
What’s Included
This Christmas Counting Book BUNDLE includes all 20 pages from my two individual Winter writing books. Use all 20 pages to create one MEGA Number Writing Book! Twenty black and white pages of number practice for numbers 1 to 20 are perfect for Kindergarten Winter math workshop or math centers.
Pages focus on number tracing, number writing, ten frames, 1 to 1 correspondence, number sentence, and using a number line. Students trace, write, and color. They will write addition number sentences and hop the gingerbread man to the given number.
Choose from 8 covers (Christmas or Winter wording). Use as a book or as individual worksheets for morning work or at math centers.
I hope this post has provided some inspirations for Christmas math activities for Kindergarten!
Click HERE to view the Christmas Math Counting Book Bundle!
Happy Holidays! Enjoy your break. You’ve earned it!
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Casey Stewart is a kindergarten teacher and founder of Kindergarten Korner. She has 17 years of experience teaching in kindergarten, first, and second grade. She created to inspire fellow educators and help guide parents and homeschooling families on their journey throughout the magical kindergarten experience. Casey also has three kids of her own at home. Learn more about her HERE.
