If you are looking to create a spring display in your kindergarten or first grade classroom, this blog post is for you! This Word Families Butterflies Bulletin Board is one of my favorite spring activities. It integrates fine motor skills, art, writing, phonics, and even math into one hands-on, purposeful lesson. The best part is that it is no prep for you! Here’s how to create your Butterflies Bulletin Board in 4 simple steps…
1. Print the Butterfly Word Family Templates
Simply print the resource that includes 28 word family templates, and your students will do the rest! Two formats are available along with more advanced word families for your higher-level learners.
2. Use Dot Art to Create a Symmetrical Butterfly
I use this lesson to introduce the mathematical term “symmetry” while I model an example of how to create a symmetrical design on the butterfly. Once they get the idea, have your students use dot art to create symmetrical designs on their butterflies. You can also use crayons, markers, or watercolors. However, I prefer the dot art because the colors turn out so vibrant. Plus, it dries quickly so we can finish this spring craft in one day.
3. Time to Rhyme
Allow time for the butterflies to dry. Then, have students cut out their butterflies and write four words that rhyme with the sound in the top of their butterflies. This is great encoding practice. Have your learners tap out the sounds and write the letters for the sounds they hear. I have the kids do the writing in pencil first. Once I check their work, they go over the pencil in black marker.
4. Display Your Butterflies!
Add an antennae if you wish with a small piece of a pipe cleaner. Display your butterflies on a bulletin board, on lockers, or in the windows.
New lettering has been added to this resource that reads “Spread Your Wings and Rhyme!” If you already own this resource, simply download it again to receive the updated version.
Butterflies Writing Center
This resource can double as an instant writing center for spring! Print an extra set of the butterfly writing templates onto different colors of card stock. Place in dry erase pockets or laminate for students to practice rhyming and encoding throughout the rest of the school year.
Introducing More Ways to Shop
You can find my Word Family Butterflies in my TPT Store sold separately or as part of a bundle. You may also shop this resource in my Kindergarten Korner Shop Site!
If you use this resource in your classroom, I would love to see how it turns out. Please tag me @kindergartenkornerbycasey on Instagram and I will feature your display!