Be the Rainbow in Someone Else’s Cloud!
This famous quote by Maya Angelou can be used for so many activities in the classroom. As Black History Month lead into Women’s History Month, we studied the life and legacy of Angelou. We read books, and watched videos of her reciting poetry on YouTube. My favorite of all was her “Be the Rainbow” video. We watched this video and discussed the meaning behind the metaphor. Together, we compiled a list of ways my students could be a rainbow to a friend in need of a little sunshine. We had just finished the Great Kindness Challenge in our school, so this lesson fit perfectly with that theme as well!
Be the Rainbow Writing
After we created a class list, each student was given two clouds. One cloud had the student’s name and was created from my editable file included in the resource. The other cloud template began with the prompt, “I can be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud by…” Students completed the prompt and then cut out both clouds.
Be the Rainbow Craft & Bulletin Board
During centers, I had students create their rainbows using Dot Art. You may also use watercolors, but Dot Art dries almost instantly. Towards the end of the day, we put all three pieces together. I stapled the name clouds above the rainbow and the writing below. I displayed the finished products with the included lettering shown in the picture. If you want the rainbows to pop out, use t-pins when hanging. This is one of my favorite bulletin boards I have done all year!
This resource is also included in my BULLETIN BOARD MEGA BUNDLE, which includes 30 seasonal sets of purposeful writing or math activities plus custom crafts to match!
I hope this post has inspired to to try this Be the Rainbow lesson in your classroom. It’s the perfect activity for World Kindness Day, Black History Month, Women’s History Month, Spring, Open House, or all of the above!
Looking for more ideas for spring? CLICK HERE to learn more about activities I’ll be doing in my classroom this season!