Distance Learning Spring Activities

Distance Learning Spring Activities for Kindergarten and First Grade

I have combined 7 of my top-selling resources into my SPRING INTO DISTANCE LEARNING BUNDLE.  This collection is full of teacher-tested creations that are perfect for parents homeschooling their children!  I truly believe that art is the best therapy for kids during this unprecedented time. As most schools across the country are closed due to the Coronavirus outbreak, parents are now looking for quality online resources to continue the learning at home.  Keeping to a routine will not only help to maintain academic skills, but it was also help to alleviate the stress and anxiety that our little ones may be experiencing.
In my kindergarten classroom, I love integrating art into our English Language Arts and Math curriculum to make the lessons fun and engaging.  Over the years, I have created purposeful writing and math activities and designed custom crafts to match.  My kids LOVE art more than anything, and I know it is just one of the many things that they are missing about school right now.  So why not try incorporating learning with a little art at home?!

Here are 7 Ways You Can Spring Into Distance Learning…

  1.  April Showers Writing and Craft


This activity includes raindrop writing templates, blank raindrops for a directed drawing, and umbrella templates.  Children write about what they would do on a rainy day.  Teacher tips are included for doing a watercolor wash for the raindrop (optional).  This is always a favorite in kindergarten!

2.  It’s Raining Ten! Math number decomposition activity and craft

“It’s Raining Ten.  Hallelujah, It’s Raining Ten!”  Sorry, I couldn’t resist!  This rainy day April activity is great for number decomposition and teaches to the Common Core Standard of making a ten.  Students come up with different combinations to compose ten and write a matching number sentence.

 3.  Be the Rainbow writing activity and craft


This colorful spring activity can be used in so many ways.  I taught my students about Maya Angelou during Women’s History Month.  We watched her “Be the Rainbow” video on YouTube and discussed ways that we could “Be the rainbow in someone else’s cloud.”  This is a great activity to teach kindness!  This comes with editable cloud name templates and the rainbow craft shown here.

4.  Earth Day Acrostic and craft

Earth Day Distance Learning

Students complete and Earth Day acrostic poem, and color or paint the Earth.  You can also attach a picture of your students/children if you wish!

5.  Earth Day Lorax Themed writing and craft

The Lorax by Dr. Seuss is the perfect Earth Day story!  After reading your purchased copy with your child, have fun creating a Lorax paired with a persuasive writing piece!

6.  May 3D Flowers writing and craft

7.  Butterfly Word Families phonics activity and craft

My butterflies word families resource is a fun way to work on word families this spring!  Choose one word family to work on, or have your child work on one word family butterfly a day over the break.  Decorate with dot art or markers.




I hope that this post has inspired you to add a little art into your learning at home with these Distance Learning Spring Activities.  Most importantly, I hope you are healthy and safe during this difficult time.


If you are looking for more distance learning activities, check out these posts on the blog…



