What if I told you there is a one-stop shop for all the assessments you need for the entire kindergarten year?  That’s exactly what I had in mind when I created the Kindergarten Assessments Binder.  I wanted a grab-and-go teaching tool that I could store everything I needed to assess my students for report cards as well as progress monitoring.  In this post, I’ll share all the details about the one resource I cannot live without as a kindergarten teacher.

What’s Included in the Kindergarten Assessments Binder

The Kindergarten Assessments Binder is divided into three sections including Math, ELA, and Writing.  Take a look at all of the assessments featured in this resource…


The Math Assessments portion of the resource includes assessments for number recognition, one-to-one-correspondence, number writing, patterning, geometry 2D and 3D shapes, addition, subtraction, counting, colors, ten frames, weight, and base ten blocks.



The ELA section of the binder features assessments for uppercase and lowercase letter recognition, letter/sound correspondence, phonemic awareness, sight words, and decoding words  (CVC, CCVC, CVCC, ee/ea, and digraphs).


Finally, in the writing section of the binder you’ll find assessments for sentence writing, opinion writing, sequence/ functional/ procedural writing, narrative writing, how-to,  descriptive writing, comparing and contrasting, and book reports.  Plus, you’ll get bonus blank kindergarten writing paper that you may use for any writing task throughout the school year!

Teacher Tips for Assembling Your Binder

Assembling your Kindergarten Assessments Binder is as easy as 1, 2, 3…

  1. First, print out this entire file. 
  2. Next, place each assessment in a plastic sleeve and place the sleeves into a binder.   
  3. Then, simply pull out the assessments as needed.

You can color code the assessments using Astrobrights.  I like to use one color for the math, one for ELA, and another color for writing.  This pack shown here with the neon colors is one of my favorites!


All the oral assessments (number recognition, letters recognition, sounds, etc.) come with a teacher copy for students to look at while they read and a student/ parent copy to send home. 

Use at the beginning of the year, report card time, and the end of the year!  

I have 17 years of curriculum writing into this MUST HAVE Kindergarten Teacher Tool.  I hope that you find it as useful as I do.   Check out what these teachers have to say…

Whether you are a kindergarten teacher, homeschooling parent, or a tutor, this binder can help to simplify the assessment process while saving you your precious planning time!
