Thinking of Setting Up a Writing Center?
Two years ago, I created a dedicated Writing Center. I wish I had done it sooner because it has ignited a spark in even my most reluctant writers. If you are considering setting up a writing center in your kindergarten or first grade classroom, this post is for you! Read more about how I set up the writing center of my dreams in my own classroom…
Tip #1: Display a Portable Word Wall
I created two versions of PORTABLE WORD WALLS. One is the traditional A to Z Word Wall. The other is a Word Family Word Wall. Both are essential in my classroom. The A to Z style is perfect for those students who are already reading, while the Word Families style is just right for my emerging readers. The portable word wall is a must-have for my Writing Center because it is engaging, interactive, and it actually gets used! I have found that having the words easily accessible helps my students when they are stuck trying to spell or sound out a word.
Read more about my Portable Word Walls HERE!
Tip #2: Offer lots of Writing Options
I get a lot of questions as to “What’s in the baskets?” I try to provide my emerging writers with a lot of options. The NO PREP pages from my FUN WITH WRITING BUNDLE include writing pages I use throughout the entire kindergarten year. This bundle features handwriting pages, phonics and letters practice pages, landscape journal paper for teacher or student choice writing, and portrait journal paper. I switch out the pages from this bundle depending on what letters and sounds we are focusing on. Handwriting is something my students need to work on ALL. YEAR. LONG. I make sure that these pages are a staple at my Writing Center to give my students lots of extra practice!
Tip #3: Provide Blank Paper & Give Your Students a Choice
Students are more inclined to write when they are given a choice about the topic. I always provide blank paper at my writing center and encourage my kinders to write about anything they wish. I use my PERFECT PRINTABLE PAPER bundle to provide differentiated paper formats to my writers across all levels. Many teachers prefer to use the wider lines at the beginning of the year and the medium or smaller lines at mid-year or end of the year. This paper is similar to the format I created for my KINDERGARTEN WRITING JOURNAL BUNDLE. My students have been very successful using this paper!
That’s it! Setting up a Writing Center is as easy as 1, 2, 3. You can always add some flexible seating options, clip boards, writing utensils, and anything else to get your students excited about writing! I hope that you found this post helpful. If you have a Writing Center in your classroom, I would love to hear from you. Comment below and tell me all about it!
Want to learn more about writing? Read more about my 7 Secrets for Teaching Writing in Kindergarten!
Where did you find the items on your writing center board?